Texas Instruments TI TI-73 TI73 Graphics Calculator
Product UPC Code: 73CLM1L1C
There are certain school courses that require quite a lot of math calculation for a variety of applications from trigonometry to calculus, the sciences, and for engineering. The TI73 Explorer Calculator helps make it easier. You can enter formulas step-by-step on a scrolling 8-line by 16 Character LCD screen. You can even plot and display graphs to show your solutions. Here's a list of what this marvel can do: Stacked fractions.
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- Seven (7) statistical plots: pictographs, pie charts, bar charts, and more.
- Scrollable screen
- Four constant features.
- English and metric conversions.
- Compatible with the Calculator-Based Laboratory (CBL2) and Calculator-Based Ranger (CBR) Systems to allow collection and analysis of real-world data
- Applications available from TI, Sunburst Software, and others.
- More advanced functions accessed through pull-down menus.
- 14-digit accuracy displayed to 10-digits with 2-digit exponent
- Graphs up to 4 functions simultaneously
- Send and receive lists and variables to and from other TI graph calculators (TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus) / Unit to Unit Link Cable included
- Up to 7 graph styles: thin, thick, animate, animate with path, and more
- User-defined list names, stores up to 999 elements.
- 13 Zoom features
- Function evaluation table
- List-based one and two-variable statistics including linear, quadratic, exponential, med-median, and manual-fit regression models
- 3 statistical plot set-ups.
- Interactive equation solver.
- Alphabetical Catalog of all calculator operations in one menu
- Programming capabilities.
- Display indicates when fraction can be simplified.
- Shows common factor used during simplification
- Change improper fractions to mixed numbers.
LI>Simplifies fractions
- Fraction/decimal conversions
- Combinations and permutations.
- Random number generator.
- Trigonometry
- Logs and antilogs
- Convert angles from degrees to radians
- %, x², 1/x, x, y², xy, and x! button functions
- Powered by 4 AAA Batteries with lithium Battery backup
- 32K bytes RAM with 25K user-available. 128K of application space (with OS v. 1.60)
- TI-GRAPH LINK software accessory allows information to be transferred to a Computer and printed or stored on Disk
- Large 64 × 96 Pixel screen.
- Uses 4 AAA alkaline Batteries and a Back-up lithium Battery (CR1616 or CR1620). Backup battery pre-installed, and AAA batteries are included.
- One Year Parts and Labor Warranty.
This product is
brand new and comes complete with all manufacturer
supplied accessories.
USA warranty IS included.
Availability: Usually ships
the same business day